CDN Comunicação
Dec. 2015
“In less-favored regions, the responsibility for the daily search for water rests with women and girls”
Project of the Brazilian Federal Government. The challenge proposed for the bidders in the bidding would be to develop a campaign for World Water Day with theme “Climate”. The proposed theme dictated that we pass in a didactic and friendly way in digital environments the influence of climate change, human behavior and the challenges related to the capture, management and use of water in the national territory.
In social media, especially on Facebook and Twitter, the focus was on exposing the difficulties that some parts of Brazil have in acquiring water and presenting concrete facts about the global climate situation, showing how this affects the lives of people in the less favored regions, the local and global economy. The campaign I suggested had the impact on the planet’s economies are directly related to the use of environmental resources.
I participated in the planning and support in the editorial, also creating all the graphic pieces for the campaign, including not only the design but also the consultancy of images, illustrations and presentation.
In an effort to guide the ANA marketing team to use the resources offered in the best possible way, I also designed a manual that would form a Media Kit and I present here some pages of this manual.
About Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico (ANA)
Created by Law No. 9,984/2000, the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA) is the regulatory agency dedicated to enforcing the objectives and guidelines of the Brazilian Water Law, Law No. basic sanitation, Law nº 14.026/2020 For this, it basically follows four lines of action:
Regulates access to and use of water resources under the Union’s domain, which are those that border other countries or pass through more than one state.
It is responsible for monitoring the situation of water resources in Brazil. It coordinates the National Hydrometeorological Network that collects, with the support of states and other partners, information such as river level, flow and sediments or amount of rainfall.
Law enforcement
Coordinates the implementation of the National Water Resources Policy, carrying out and supporting programs and projects, state management bodies and the installation of basin committees and agencies.
It prepares or participates in strategic studies, such as Hydrographic Basin Plans, Water Resources Conjuncture Reports, among others, in partnership with institutions and government agencies.