Grey Group
Nov. 2004
The first job with a great brand we never forget!
BMW was the first big brand of my career and big advertising or communication agencies also. At that time, I worked almost exclusively with print media but I was already taking my first steps towards digital.
BMW M5 launch folder
My work in the Alfaiataria de Marketing Agency from Grupo Grey Brasil for BMW consisted of small pieces of marketing, advertising or communication for the dealerships, customers and partners of the brand and all this communication was developed through a strict guideline and creative concept based on the brand values.
The creative structure was very simple and my role as an assistant at the time, in addition to creating the pieces alongside editors, was to accompany the entire delivery with the graphic producers assisting the creative director.
Today, this project has no practical impact on my career as we live in an almost revolutionary moment in advertising and communication, however, I understand that it is part of my professional history and I thought it would be important to make available what little I managed to save from that time here in this portfolio.
Below I present a simple folder produced by me in 2004 for BMW.
About BMW Brasil
In 1923, the company launched its first motorcycle and in 1928 the company began to work in the production of cars. Despite this, during the Nazi regime the brand resumed the manufacture of aircraft engines and at the end of World War II the brand entered the home appliance market to survive.
In the year 1948, BMW resumed the production of motorcycles and four years later it returned to producing cars. Currently the brand is present in more than 140 countries.
BMW arrived in Brazil in 1995 as a vehicle importer but it was only in 2014 that the company opened its factory in Santa Catarina.